Hello. We are the Three Artisans of Primus Art. Mom, Son, and Daughter.
All of the art and products you see on this site were created by us. All three of us make the Fine Art – the paintings and drawings. The Son and Daughter make all of the Puffballs. The Mom makes a lot of the jewelry. The Daughter makes most of the hats. We all pitch in the help on all projects wherever we are needed.
We were inspired to create Primus Art as a place to sell our art. We love to create. We love to make. We love the opportunity to share it with you.
Thrifted Cats
Thrifted Cats was our first endeavor and first love. We are the Thrifted Cats.
Thrifted Cats are those cats who are unwanted – the discarded, the abandoned, the lost, the strays. Many of these cats have found their way into our lives. We feed them, comfort them, heal them, and open our home to them. We love our Thrifted Cats. The art you see on this site celebrates the lives of the Thrifted Cats who have chosen us as their humans.
You can find us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/thrifted_cats/
Boots and Snoots
We fell for Weevils on r/weeviltime. We discovered this Subreddit several years ago. Through the members of r/weeviltime, we have grown to love weevils too. While we do not share our home with any weevils (and not for the lack of looking for them), we appreciate the unique qualities of the weevil. We can’t resist those six snazzy boots and the long (or short) snoot.
We were inspired by the beauty and diversity of the weevil to start creating art with our adorweevil friends as the subjects.
Green Thumb Arts
The three of us love flowers, plants, and nature. We often found ourselves painting flowers and trees in our own unique styles. While we created many of these fine art works for our own enjoyment, we realized we could share some of our creations with all of you.
Green Thumb Arts is our newest artistic venture.
We add new items and art to our site weekly. Please keep checking back to see what we have.
Thank you for visiting us here at Primus Art. We hope you find something you love.